$FU Value accrual

YieldFu's ecosystem is built on several interconnected core mechanisms that work together to create a robust and rewarding DeFi experience. Let's explore each of these mechanisms in detail.


Bonding is a fundamental process in YieldFu that allows users to acquire $FU tokens at a discount in exchange for providing liquidity to the protocol. When users bond, they essentially make a deal with the protocol: they provide assets like ETH, USDT, or partner tokens to the YieldFu treasury and receive discounted $FU tokens in return, typically vested over a period of time.

This mechanism serves multiple purposes:

  1. It helps grow the protocol's treasury

  2. It provides a predictable supply of $FU tokens to the market

  3. It offers users a way to acquire $FU at a discount

V3 Support Walls

V3 Support Walls are a unique feature of YieldFu that leverages Uniswap V3's concentrated liquidity feature to create price stability and enhance trading efficiency. As the protocol accumulates assets through bonding and other activities, a portion of these assets is used to establish liquidity positions on Uniswap V3 at strategic price points.

These support walls serve several purposes:

  • They provide deep liquidity at key price levels, reducing slippage for traders

  • They act as soft price floors, helping to stabilize the $FU token price

  • They generate additional yield for the protocol through trading fees

As new all-time highs are reached, the protocol dynamically adjusts these support walls, continually reinforcing the $FU token's price structure.

CEX/DEX Arbitrage System

YieldFu employs an advanced arbitrage system that capitalizes on price discrepancies between centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX).

This system constantly monitors $FU prices across various platforms, including major CEXs like XT, Poloniex, Bitget, and Gate, as well as DEXs like Uniswap and SushiSwap.

When a profitable price difference is detected, the system executes trades to capture this difference. For example, if $FU is trading at a higher price on a CEX compared to a DEX, the system will buy on the DEX and sell on the CEX, pocketing the difference.

The profits generated from these arbitrage activities are then distributed back to $FU stakers, providing an additional source of yield. This mechanism not only rewards stakers but also helps to maintain price consistency across different trading platforms, contributing to overall market efficiency for $FU.

By combining these core mechanisms – Bonding, Staking Options, V3 Support Walls, and the CEX/DEX Arbitrage System – YieldFu creates a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem. Each mechanism complements the others, working together to provide liquidity, stability, yield generation, and growth opportunities for all participants in the YieldFu protocol.

Last updated